
Mission Prayer Meeting

Because of the Big Breakfast taking place on 19th May, this month’s Mission Prayer Meeting will take place on Sunday 26th May at 9.15am. All are welcome to attend.


Monday 22nd May - Our speaker this week is Lt. Rachel Abbott, who will tell us all about her life and work with the Salvation Army. All are welcome to join from 2.30-3.45pm in the main hall.

Dementia Information and Support Day

Event: “Dementia Information and Support”
Venue: Horsham URC, Springfield Rd, Horsham RH12 2RG
Date & Time: Tuesday 21st May, 10am-1pm
All are welcome to come along to this relaxed and safe space to get free advice and information from: Alzheimer’s Society West Sussex, Dementia UK, Age UK, Tapestry Day Club and Sporting Memories. You can just drop in or stay as long as you like. Includes a Café with free Refreshments.

Isn't Everyone Going to Heaven Anyway?

Saturday 8 June 2024, 2pm at Trafalgar Road Baptist Church
A Seminar with Revd Dr Stephen Finamore (President of Baptists Together 2024-25)
Drawing on his extensive work on the Apostle Paul and particularly his letter to the Romans, Stephen will unpack this subject, often called 'universalism' in a way that will help us better understand the Good News of Jesus. This seminar will encourage the church in being a people who reach out to those who need to hear the message of Christianity.
There will also be a short interview about how Steve sees his role as newly-elected President of Baptists Together and time for Q&A about the whole seminar. Stephen will also be preaching at TRBC the following morning.
Please email if you intend on attending (so they have a rough idea of numbers. There is a suggested donation of £5 for the seminar.

Oasis Quiz Night at BRBC

Quiz of all Quizzes – a fun filled evening on Saturday, 8th June 2024 at Brighton Road Baptist Church to help fundraise for the Oasis Crisis Pregnancy Centre. All welcome; bring your friends and family. Doors open at 6.30pm - Quiz starts at 7pm, Snacks on the tables. Tables of 6 – come as a team, or individuals can be joined to a table. Please bring your own soft drinks – (No alcohol Please!) Tickets cost £10 each. Tickets can be purchased from the Eventbrite website. (Please note – there is a £1.55 admin fee from Eventbrite when you purchase your ticket).

Birth Announcement

Congratulations to Francis and Jenny Poon on becoming grandparents!
Klara Helen Manka was born on 10.05.24. (10.53 pm. C. Section ), 3.28 kg.
Klara and her parents, Jo and Rafal, are all doing well.

Church Library

Howard Gordon has written a book entitled Alleviating Guilt Feelings. It is based on his experience as a mental health chaplain in the NHS and on interviews with people for whom guilt feelings were a particular problem. The book is now in the church library and its number is 253.5.

Thank you

A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to the wonderful team that helped to set up the church and assisted me with the two big events we have just hosted. Jean Grainger, Jackie  Hillier, Jean Rose, Jan Morley, Val Hardwick, Julie Rudd, Nigel Williams, John Thompson, Tim Reed and Geoff Smith you all did a great job and it would not have been possible without you.
With much appreciation, Karry 

The Flower Ministry

We all enjoy seeing flowers at the front of the church and for some it is an aid to worship, but arguably a more important part of the flower ministry is the distribution of those flowers after the service to the sick, shut-ins, bereaved, lonely or those beset with problems. We have notes of thanks and know it means a lot to those who receive them. For this reason artificial flowers are not the answer.
For this ministry to continue we need more help or we will have weeks without flowers. It does not have to be an arrangement on a stand or in oasis. A simple bunch of flowers in water would suffice; in fact it would be more environmentally friendly!  Two or three people taking a turn once or twice in a 4 month period, the usual length of a rota, would make a big difference. Please prayerfully consider if you can help.
Sheila Stevens 01403 263414

Horsham Food Bank and Bric-a-brac Donations

These can be deposited in the green Food Bank box situated in the Reception area here at BRBC. This will save time and petrol that would be used if several people made separate individual journeys to Horsham Matters. Also, by using BRBC's holding point, BRBC’s support is made known. Donations are then taken to Horsham Matters at some time during the week following, allowing for holidays etc.

Horsham Matters urgently need Volunteers

Horsham Matters are in urgent need of volunteers to support their work in the community. If you can spare a few hours a week and would like to support a local charity, please get in touch with them. In particular, they need support in their foodbank, in their warehouse, charity shop and they require hub drivers. You can download an application from the Horsham Matters website or email

BMS Birthday Scheme

Celebrating a birthday this week is Dennis Aldridge on Monday 20th May.