For Prayer

Father, hear the prayer I pray:
Give me courage every day.
Send your love and healing, too,
For everything I have to do.
When the future’s looking bleak,
Let me find the hope I seek.
Wrap me safely in your care
And show me you are always there. Amen
Mission Prayer Request

Pray for Claire Bedford and for all at the Guinebor 2 Hospital in Chad as the first round of national elections are due to be held this week. Pray for peace and stability at this time and for God to guide in the election process. Pray for daily strength for Claire especially now the hot season has arrived.

For the full prayer diary, please click here.

Notices for the weekly bulletin should be sent to before 6pm on Wednesday.

BRBC Bible Notes
Notes to guide us as we reflect on God's word
Updates on what's going on in our church
Weekly Message
Inspiration and food for thought