
The Oasis Crisis Pregnancy Centre has been providing help and support in Horsham and Crawley since 1997. The work of the centre is supported by BRBC as part of its mission activities along with other churches and organisations in the Horsham District.
Our trained practitioners offer confidential, unbiased support to clients facing an unplanned pregnancy and they also support people struggling with their emotions after an abortion.
Our Store in Crawley provides good quality baby clothing and equipment for families struggling financially, and we welcome donations.
Our Education Programme restarted in October 2021, and we have already given our presentation to teenagers in several local schools. We provide information about the development of the foetus during pregnancy and the Abortion laws in the UK. We encourage the students to think about when life begins, and the issues around a crisis pregnancy, in a non directional way.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for Oasis, please contact
If you have baby clothing and equipment to donate, please contact
The most recent Oasis Newsletter can be read here.