Prayer Diary

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Most Recent Prayer Diary
Prayer Diary Jan 25


prayer mateIf you’re a smart phone or tablet user and would like to be able to have access to the Prayer Diary wherever you are then we have some good news for you. The Prayer diary is now available through PrayerMate, a Christian prayer app that is designed to help you pray for all the people and causes you care about.

PrayerMate can be used to bring all your prayer points together - whether it’s your personal prayer points for friends and family, regular updates from some mission organisations (including Tear Fund and BMS), or the latest the church Prayer Diary.

For more information on the app click here  and follow the links to download it from the Apple App Store or Google Play. To link to the Prayer Diary click on  the image to the left from your phone or tablet  and follow  the instructions.

Earlier Prayer Diaries