Fairtrade Church
Throughout the bible there is a call to justice in all trade - to having ‘just’ scales, and not cheating the poor.

Sadly our modern methods of trading often do not follow this principle, the scales tend to be weighted towards the rich nations,
and the farmers who grow the goods often get a very bad deal.
It is for this reason that our church became a Fairtrade Church some years ago and continues to support the Fairtrade movement.
As Christians it is an essential part of our worship to a just and loving God.
For more information visit their website.
Horsham has been a Fairtrade town since 2005 - it has a Fairtrade committee which amongst other things runs an annual Fairtrade Christmas market.
As a Church we work closely with the committee and advertise their events.
West Sussex has been a Fairtrade County since 2017 - this means that over 50% of the population of the county live in a Fairtrade Town, and there is support from the County Council.
For more information on what is going on in Horsham and throughput the county see www.fairtradehorsham.org.uk or www.fairtradewestsussex.org.uk.