
Mission Prayer Meeting

At 9.15am on Sunday 16th March in the Main Hall there will be an opportunity to hear up to date news of our overseas mission partners and to pray for them. All are welcome to attend.

BRBC Art Group Meeting

The next meeting will be on the 20th of March 2025 in the Main Hall 10-12pm. All welcome.  Tea , coffee and biscuits will be available.

BRBC Lunch Club

The next Church Lunch Club is on Thursday 13th March. The 2 course lunch will be served at 12.45.  We ask for a small contribution of £4.  All are welcome.
If you wish to attend please put your name on the list at Reception, or email me on or ring the Church office on 01403 211150 to book your place.  Please let us know if you have any dietary or allergy requirements.
Any requiring lifts to or from the church please contact Chris Gargano Phone - 01403 266229  or email -     

June Jarvis Thanksgiving Service

A Thanksgiving Service for the life of June Jarvis will take place at 2pm on Friday 14th March.

Oasis Quiz Night

A reminder about the Quiz Night at Brighton Road starting at 7pm on Saturday 15th March, 2025. Come with your friends/colleagues/neighbours as a team of 6 or be joined to a table to make a team for a great fun-filled evening.
We will be having a raffle on the evening to raise funds for Oasis to be able to continue the free services they offer in Horsham and Crawley and surrounding areas.
Snacks will be on the table; please be sure to bring soft drinks (no alcohol please) with you on the night. Doors will open at 6.30pm and the quiz will start promptly at 7pm.  Tickets can be purchased through Eventbrite or through the Oasis website.

Horsham Churches Together Prayer and Worship Evening

The next HCT Prayer & Worship evening will be at 6pm on Sunday 16th March at Kingdom Faith Church.


The next afternoon stroll will be on Friday 21st March, by which time the spring flowers will be adorning the countryside. All are welcome to join. Meet at church at 2pm.

Horsham Matters Foodbank

When it began in 2014, the foodbank provided 119 individual food parcels a month.  Currently it is providing 800 individual parcels a month - and this in the more prosperous part of the country.
Our foodbank needs the following items of food: tinned potatoes, instant mash, long-life custard, small bags of sugar, general cleaning items and washing up liquid. Recently, someone said, "When I have felt like I had nothing or no-one, Horsham Matters has been there."
Please continue to help people through the Horsham Food Bank and make use of the food-bank container in the church Reception.  Thank you.

Sussex Green Hub

The Sussex Green Hub takes place on the last Saturday of every month at the United Reformed Church, 45 Springfield Road, Horsham, RH12 2RG, 10am – 12pm.
The next Sussex Green Hub will be on Saturday 29th March, featuring….
· 10am-11am – Horsham Community Fridge
· 10am-12pm – Home Energy-Saving Help Desk – no appointment needed!
· 10am-12pm – Horsham Repair Cafe, Refill Shop, Horsham Eco Churches, Transition Horsham, Community Energy Horsham, Sussex Green Living Recycling
· 10am–12pm – Overherd oat milk pouch and refill sales service
· PLUS… Green Book Library, Horsham Cape of Good Hopes (community textile project) and Community Cafe offering tea, coffee and cake.

‘Plant to Plate Festival’

Join Horsham Eco Churches on Saturday 26th April from 10am–4pm at this exciting day packed with local food, expert talks and eco-friendly fun that will inspire individuals and families to live more sustainably. This will be occurring across four venues in central Horsham:
· Quaker Meeting House - food-based talks.
· Unitarian Church Hall and Gardens - interactive wildlife-friendly gardening activities and stalls advising on reducing waste, recycling and composting. Talks on growing food and caring for our soils and Transition Horsham are running a Seedling Swap. People who don't have seedlings to swap can make a donation.
· United Reformed Church will host the usual Sussex Green Hub activities.
· Bishopric Market will have live music, Eco Float and interactive activities looking at carbon footprints and other ways to have a smaller impact on the environment.