Mission Prayer Meeting
At 9.15am on Sunday 19th January in the main hall there will be an opportunity to hear news of some of those we partner with who serve overseas and to pray for them.
Listen and Pray
Listen and Pray is a monthly group that meets in the chapel for one hour on the 4th Friday of the month from 10-11 am. We read some Scripture together, reflect on it in silence asking the Holy Spirit to speak to us through it and then we pray together as we might feel led. They are always very special times as we seek God through his Word.
If you feel you would like to go deeper in your prayer life this year then Listen and Pray might just be for you so please do join us. If you’d like to know more, then do speak to Julie Shimizu or just turn up to the next one on the 24th.
Visit from Peter and Louise Lynch (BMS)
On Friday 24th January 2025, Peter and Louise Lynch will visit us to share an update on their work with BMS.
We will start the event with afternoon tea at 6pm and then Peter and Louise will share a presentation of recent events and progress of their work in Bangladesh. There will also be an opportunity for questions and answers. Please sign up by either contacting the office or signing the sheet on the reception desk by Sunday, 19th January 2025. This will help for catering purposes.
Please do come along and encourage Peter and Louise Lynch whom we support as a fellowship.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
The ‘Week of Prayer for Christian Unity’ has started. The overarching theme for the week is “Do you believe this?”, marking the 1,700th anniversary of the Nicene Creed. Details of this week’s programme are as follows:-
- Sunday 19th January 2025, 6pm - United Service at St Mary’s, Horsham, RH12 1HE The service this year will be led by St Margaret's Warnham
- Monday 20th January 2025, 7:30pm - Evening prayer meeting at St John the Evangelist, RH12 2PJ
- Wednesday 22nd January 2025, 7:30pm - Evening prayer meeting at Cornerstone Methodist Church - St Andrews, RH12 4DX
- Friday 24th January 2025, 1:30pm - Afternoon prayer meeting at Trafalgar Road Baptist Church, RH12 2QL
- Saturday 25th January 2025, 11.30am Caring for Creation Together - a reflective service with Eco Churches & Sussex Green Living, during the Sussex Green Hub at Horsham United Reformed Church, RH12 2RG
- Sunday 26th January 2025, 6pm – Tickets for the Watoto Children’s Choir concert are no longer available.
Elsie Phillips
It's with great sadness that we must announce that Elsie Phillips passed away peacefully on Monday. We will miss her dearly.
Service of Thanksgiving
This will be held on Wednesday 5th February at 2.30pm. All are welcome to join in this celebration of our mother’s life. Refreshments will be served in the main hall after the service.
Please wear colourful clothes. Family flowers only. Charity donations will go to the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance (KSS).
Val Hardwick and family.
The Hiding Place
Tickets are now on sale for ‘The Hiding Place’, an account of Corrie Ten Boom's family after the Nazis invaded Holland, performed by Oddments Theatre Production at The Horsham United Reformed church on Thursday 6th February at 7.30 ( Doors open at 7pm).
With all the divisions in our present world, this remains a story for our own time. As Corrie Ten Boom said, "In darkness, God's truth shines most clear." To purchase tickets please visit https://www.jumblebee.co.uk/HPHorsham ( at £13.99)
Advance Notice!
The World Day of Prayer will take place as usual on the first Friday in March, 7th March. It is a service for everyone and hopefully at a time to suit you as there will be three venues in Horsham at three different times on that day. The women of the Cook Islands have prepared the service. See the posters on board at Reception.
Coffee Morning & Presentation on Saturday 8th February
You are invited to a coffee morning at the Salvation Army Hall at 10.30 am. It will include a presentation of background pictures of the Cook Islands so that you are better informed to appreciate the World Day of Prayer service taking place in March. There is no charge. Hope you can come and learn more about the Cook Islands.
Messages from Ian Rose
With the volatile situation in the Middle East it would be good for us to continue to pray for SAT7 and the work they do in encouraging isolated Christians and spreading the gospel message in the area. Their Prayer Diaries are available in the literature stand in the Reception Area.
Secondly, we have been requested to continue to produce our Heart Song broadcast so we desperately need a lot more people willing to chat with me for a few minutes about their favourite hymn or song.
Ian Rose
BMS Birthday Scheme
Celebrating a birthday this week is Brian Carey on Friday 24th January.