Our BRBC Buildings

When we redeveloped our buildings a few years ago, part of our vision was that it could be a resource for the whole community to use; not just for the Church family, but others too. Our guiding vision at that time was “Resourcing Christians, Resourcing the Community”. It is really encouraging that this is being fulfilled.
As a Church we put on a wide range of activities. In addition to our Sunday Worship, BRBK and prayer meetings, there are fellowship events like PMA (Pleasant Monday Afternoon), the Women’s Fellowship and Men’s Coffee Morning, and events for the community such as Coffee, Cake and Company, Lunch Club, the Toy Library, Art Group, Craft Club and Saturday Kitchen.  Our building is also used by other Churches.
Many people will be less familiar with the wide range of outside groups who use our buildings. We host theatre groups, sports groups, dancing lessons, Pilates classes, fitness classes, a bridge club, a horticultural society, two different choirs and several other groups. Our meeting rooms are used most weekdays for adult education provided by West Sussex County Council. In addition, our premises are also used as a polling station for elections and as a venue for a local counselling service once a week.
And following the success of the recent orchestral concert, we are hoping that other events will take place while the Capitol Theatre is being refurbished over the next couple of years.
A proportion of our income comes from room hire fees, and we have been very fortunate that this is currently increasing, which is very welcome at a time when our costs are increasing due to inflation. This is a real sign of God’s generous provision for us.
We should thank all those who work to make this possible – especially our church administrators, reception volunteers who welcome people to the building, and behind the scenes volunteers who move tables and chairs and make sure that rooms are properly set up for the needs of the different activities which take place. And, of course, our cleaner for taking on the task of ensuring our premises are clean and well maintained.
I was struck by the following passage from 1 Peter 4: 8 -11:
“Love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. “
This passage suggests that we should indeed use our gifts in God’s service. We have an opportunity to welcome members of the community – most of whom have no other connections with our Church. This could be the parents whose children are attending classes, and who often wait around in the reception areas, or even in the car park. Or maybe adults who visit for classes or other external groups. What can we do to make them feel welcome, and to strengthen the links between the community and the Church? How can we as a fellowship take this amazing opportunity to share God’s love with everyone who attends our Church over the course of every week? I pray that God will reveal to us how we can indeed serve this community with ‘’the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ’’.
Adrian Rudd