For Prayer

God our Father,
if I could trace back through the last two thousand years,
marking out routes from Jesus himself
and then through people whose faith has touched others
and so reached me,I would be astounded
by the individuals I would encounter.
I give thanks, Father, for all those people
over two thousand years who have inspired others
and played their part in passing on
to generation after generation the living heritage of their faith.
Especially I give thanks for those who lived their faith
through difficulties and hardship and persecution.
I pray, Father, that I may grow in your faith and love
through good times and bad. Amen.
Mission Prayer Request

Pray for Genesis in the north of Uganda as he works with farmers to improve their yield and to care for the environment. He asks that we pray for him as he begins working with churches of 4 different denominations in a church community mobilization project.

For the full prayer diary, please click here.

Notices for the weekly bulletin should be sent to before 6pm on Wednesday.

BRBC Bible Notes
Notes to guide us as we reflect on God's word
Updates on what's going on in our church
Weekly Message
Inspiration and food for thought