BRBC Bible Notes
Week by week, we post notes based on the theme of the Sunday service, so that people can follow them in their own personal devotions, in prayer triplets, or in the church life groups.
Fruit of the Spirit Bible Studies
Study 3: The Fruit of the Spirit- Love
Talk About
Share about someone in your life who best expresses the fruit of love.
What makes them different to other people in your life?
Paul writes about the love Christ has for His church, using the metaphor of marriage in Ephesians 5.
Paul was concerned that some in the Corinthian church had become self-centred and self-absorbed to the point that they were arrogant about their spiritual gifts and forming in-groups. In 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:8 Paul explains that the way of love is so critical and describes what this love looks like.
LOVE – Read Ephesians 5:25-32
1. What do we learn about Christ’s love for His church?
2. What are the implications for our love for one another?
3. Why is love essential for discipleship? (see John 13)
LOVE- Read 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:8
4. At the end of Chapter 12, Paul says: “I will show you a still more excellent way”. What do you think Paul means by this?
5. In 13:1-3, Paul describes three different scenarios, and how meaningless any of these things are without love. How would you describe each scenario, and what is his conclusion if love is absent?
6. Paul begins to describe what love is, what love is not, and what love does (v4-7).
a. Highlight the words that describe what this
love looks like. Which of these stands out to you?
b. Highlight the words that describe what
love does not do. Do any of these grab your attention?
c. What do you think it means that love: bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things?
7. How does this description of love align with Jesus life and example? Do any particular gospel stories come to mind for you?
8. What is the significant difference between love and spiritual gifts (v8)?
9. From the scripture passages, how do you desire biblical love to grow in your life, and what is one step you can take to cooperate with God to grow it in your life?
Pray for one another with your life group/discipleship group for God’s love to grow and overflow our lives and our congregation. Pray that because of our love for one another, others will know that we are Jesus’ disciples.
For a printable version of this, and previous editions, please click here.
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