Personal Prayer

BRBC Bible Notes

Week by week, we post notes based on the theme of the Sunday service, so that people can follow them in their own personal devotions, in prayer triplets, or in the church life groups.

Fruit of the Spirit Bible Studies 

Study 10: The Fruit of the Spirit - Faithfulness

Talk About
Think of someone who matches the quality of faithfulness (This could be a fictional or historical figure, or someone you know personally). Why do they stand out to you?

FAITHFULNESS- Read Matthew 25:14-30

  1. What stands out to you about the start of the parable (v14-15)? How is this similar to what God does with us?
  2. What qualities do you notice of the servants who were entrusted with the 5 talents and the 2 talents (v16-17)? How did the master interpret what they had done (v21-22) and what is their reward? Note: A talent was a weight of measurement of gold or silver of approximately 75 pounds (34 kg). It was a very significant amount of money.
  3. What did the “one talent” servant do with his resource and why (v18, 24-25)?
  4. How was this behaviour interpreted by the master and what was the end result (v26-30)?
  5. What do the following scriptures have to say to us about faithfulness?
  • Exodus 34:6
  • Joshua 24:14
  • 1 Samuel 26:23
  • Psalm 26:3, 36:5, 40:10-11, 86:11
  • Matthew 23:23
  • 3 John 1:3
  • Revelation 13:10


  1. What response is Jesus looking for from us as we hear this parable today and read about faithfulness in the scriptures?
  2. What would growing faithfulness look like in your life in responding to the parable of the talents and considering the other scriptures teaching about faithfulness? 

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you grow in faithfulness as you surrender your willingness to Him.
If specific situations come to mind, pray for these together, that breakthrough might come.

For a printable version of this, and previous editions, please click here.
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