For Prayer

Following our Day of Prayer and being informed about the timeline the deacons are working towards regarding finding a new senior minister, let us continue in prayer for continued guidance for all involved in every stage of the decision making process. Pray, too, that helpful feedback will be forthcoming from church members.

Mission Prayer Request

Give thanks for the shining example of Christians thriving under pressure in Iran. Despite the persecution and closure of churches, many are standing strong and people are coming to faith through their witness. Pray that the teaching sessions SAT-7 PARS is offering on Zoom will continue to provide much-needed encouragement and discipleship for isolated Christians.

For the full prayer diary, please click here.

Notices for the weekly bulletin should be sent to before 6pm on Wednesday.

BRBC Bible Notes
Week by week, we post notes based on the theme of the Sunday service, so that people can follow them in their own personal devotions, in prayer triplets, or in the church life groups.
Updates on what's going on in our church
Weekly Message
Inspiration and food for thought